
How to handle an image file from googleusercontent CDN in Node?

Trying to request an image from Google CDN and upload it to S3. Using the library and Node / Express;

A little confused how to handle payload coming back from Google CDN. enter image description here

The image comes back in the body field and in encoded. Not sure how it is encoded.

Given a URL to a Google CDN:

const fileURL =…3i26LoPHQwPTQME7ne3XoMriKVjUo3hrhwWw1211223

  request(fileURL, (err, res, body) => {

     //NOT sure how to handle the response here??
     //Trying base64
     fs.writeFileSync(`.tmp/file1.png`, body, {encoding: 'base64'});

     //Trying Binary
     fs.writeFileSync(`.tmp/file.png`, body, {encoding: 'binary'});

body comes back as:

�PNG↵↵IHDRv&vл� IDATx�}���<z�f���];��o]��A�N�.po�/�/R���..............

1). Request an image from googleusercontent Google CDN (image was originally pasted in a Google Doc)

2). Create an image file and write to disk on the Server.

Neither of the fs.writeFileSync seem to produce a readable image file.

Any advice on handling this would be awesome..


  • Pass the response as the body to your S3 upload.

    var request = require('request'),
        fs = require('fs'),
        aws = require('aws-sdk'),
        s3 = new aws.S3(),
        url = '';
    # Store in a file
    request(url, {encoding: 'binary'}, function(error, response, body) {
        # Another way to store in a file
        fs.writeFile('file.gif', body, 'binary', function(err) {});
        # Upload to S3
            Body: body,
            Bucket: 'BucketName',
            Key: 'file.gif',
        }, function(err, data) {});