
nodemon command is not recognized in terminal for node js server

I am doing node.js server setup from I am new in node.js. I am installing npm install nodemon --save. But when I am run the server with this nodemon server.js.
In the terminal showing:

nodemon is not recognized as internal or external command, operable program or batch file

enter image description here

node server.js command is working and started the server, But nodemon command is not working.

I am set up the node js server from video.

I don't know why it is not working I have tried some command for the install nodemon.

npm install -g nodemon 
npm install -g nodemon --save 
npm install --save-dev nodemon 
npm install -g nodemon@debug 

npm install -g --force nodemon

I have seen one link I can´t install nodemon globally, "nodemon" not recognized, But I don't know how to set the path because of my project location in D drive.

I want to run nodemon server.js. How can this be done?


  • You need to install it globally

    npm install -g nodemon
    # or if using yarn
    yarn global add nodemon

    And then it will be available on the path (I see now that you have tried this and it didn't work, your path may be messed up)

    If you want to use the locally installed version, rather than installing globally then you can create a script in your package.json

    "scripts": {
        "serve": "nodemon server.js"

    and then use

    npm run serve

    optionally if using yarn

    # without adding serve in package.json
    yarn run nodemon server.js
    # with serve script in package.json
    yarn run serve

    npm will then look in your local node_modules folder before looking for the command in your global modules