
CryptoObfuscator + Android is missing a pdb file

I tried to use CryptoObfuscator to obfuscate my Android app, but it doesn't generate all the pdb files.

My Xamarin.Forms solution has 11 projects, 7 of them should be obfuscated. I disabled most CryptoObfuscator features just to test it. My .obproj file contains these settings for all dlls:

  <Assembly Load="true" Path=".\bin\Release\RoyalMobileApps.XF.dll" XapEntryName="" KeyFilePath="" KeyFileContainsPublicKeyOnly="False" CertFilePath="" TimeStampURL="" Rfc3161TimestampURL="False" SHA256SigningAlgorithm="False" Embed="True" AddExceptionReporting="False" PfxPassword="" PfxPasswordCert="" IsWinRTAssembly="False">
    <ObfuscationSettings EncryptStrings="True" EncryptMethods="False" EncryptConstants="False" SuppressReflector="False" ReduceMetaData="False" ObfuscationDisposition="1" FlowObfuscation="2" CodeMasking="0" SuppressILDASM="True" SuppressReflection="False" CombineResources="True" EncryptResources="True" CompressResources="True" MarkAsSealed="False" EnableTamperDetection="False" EnableAntiDebugging="False" SymbolRenaming="True" HideExternalCalls="False" HideInternalCalls="False" GeneratePdbFile="True" ObfuscatePdbFileNames="True" IncludeLocalVariablesInPdbFile="False" Encrypt="False" Compress="False" MSBuild="False" ObfuscatedNamespace="A" RetainNamespace="False" ModuleInitializationMethod="" LicensingMerge="False" RemoveConstants="False" ProcessSatelliteAssemblies="True">
      <Watermarks Watermark0="" Watermark1="" Watermark2="" Watermark3="" Watermark4="" Watermark5="" Watermark6="" Watermark7="" Watermark8="" Watermark9="" />

As you can see I set GeneratePdbFile="True" for all 7 projects. I integrated co.exe in my build process and it claims to have run successfully. It generates 7 dlls but only 6 pdbs. The pdb file for my main PCL project which I pasted above is missing and therefore Xamarins linker fails and I cannot build an apk.

How can I get CryptoObfuscator to create all pdbs? Or can I generate the apk without them?

Unfortunately the CryptoObfuscator support did not respond to my emails and I couldn't find anybody else with a similar problem.


  • I got it working by disabling the Pdbs at all. I switched to release mode and opened up the properties of each project which should be obfuscated. In Build / Advanced you can set the Debug Info to None. In Crypto Obfuscator I disabled Output Settings / Generate New Pdb File For Assembly. Then nothing created Pdb files. I got warnings when building the solution, but they can be ignored.

    This answer should actually be credited to @JonDouglas, but he wrote only a comment.

    Unfortunately I had to disable Rename Symbols too. But this was the main reason why I wanted to use Crypto Obfuscator. Because I couldn't get the Name Protection in ConfuserEx running. So as it doesn't work in either tool and Crypto Obfuscators support still didn't answer my email I'm back to ConfuserEx. This is free and it cannot be deobfuscated with de4dot.