I'm using SQL Server 2012 & MS Visual Studio 2010
I have a DTS package with a user variable, PO
(string), and I'm trying to execute a sql command using that variable, so I've set up another variable to build the sql string.
The problem is, that when I try to run the package using the DTEXEC
utility with /SET
, the package is ignoring the variable value I'm sending.
Command I'm using:
dtexec /server myserver /sql MyPackageName /U user /P password /SET "\Package.Variables[User::PO].Properties[Value]";"AE-J067329-01"
The expression for SQLStringVar
is "exec my_procedure '" + @[User::PO] + "'"
However, the results show SQLStringVar
as evaluating to "exec my_procedure ''"
, or whatever value I put for the initial value for the User::PO
variable. The package runs without errors.
I figured it out: In the Package Explorer tab...Variables.
Right-click the variable, go to Properties, and change EvaluateAsExpression to False.
(This was driving me nuts since, when editing the variable using the Variables tab, this property is not available)