I am writing UITest cases for my app using XCTest. The app makes several server calls on the home screen. I could not navigate to the next screen. Automation often stays idle for 1 min or even more than that with the message
Wait for the app to idle
Unable to monitor event loop
Is there a way to make the app execute my test cases breaking this ???
I have set argument in UI test class
let app = XCUIApplication()
app.launchArguments = ["NoAnimations"]
In my Appdelegate's didFinishLaunchingWithOptions method I made a check
NSArray *args = [NSProcessInfo processInfo].arguments;
for (NSString *arg in args){
if ([arg isEqualToString:@"NoAnimations"]){
[UIView setAnimationsEnabled:false];
So now all over my app, there won't be any animation and my app is no more blocked. This reduced my automation time from 25mins to 2mins.