
Dynamically updating datamaps fill color not working using variable as country key

I'm having weird problems with updateCloropleth function. I followed this example :

Here is an example of my problem. When I do this:

    "AFG": colorx

The color updates. However, when I do this:

var countryx = "AFG";
    countryx: colorx

It doesn't work.

I've checked that countryx == "AFG" returns true, so it's definitely the same value. The variable colorx can be passed fine, but passing the variable countryx as a key seems to break the function.

Any ideas how or why this is happening?


  • You can try this:

    var colorx = 100;
    var countryx = "AFG";
    var countryColor = {};
    countryColor["AFG"] = colorx;

    See this thread - basically your problem stems from the fact that these two statements are the same:

    var obj = {"countryx": colorx}
    var obj = {countryx: colorx}