
scala generic function return type

I tried writing a function with a generic return type but it doesn't work unless I cast the return type. Please see the function getSomething() below I expected it to work without the casting. What might I be doing wrong here?

trait Sup

class Sub extends Sup {
  def getString = "I am Sub"

class Sub2 extends Sup {
  def getInt = 100

def getSomething[A <: Sup](str: String) : A  = {
  str match {
    case "sub" => getSub.asInstanceOf[A]
    case "sub2" => getSub2.asInstanceOf[A]

def getSub(): Sub = {
  new Sub

def getSub2() : Sub2 = {
  new Sub2

val x = getSomething[Sub]("sub").getString
val y = getSomething[Sub2]("sub2").getInt


  • As Alexey mentions, the instanceOf is needed to force a link between the expected type and the type of the object returned. It's the equivalent of saying: "Compiler, trust me, I'm giving you an 'A'" and it's not very safe as it depends of us to provide a correct type.

    If we want the type system to figure things out for us, we need to give it some additional information. One way to do that in Scala is to define some factory that knows how to produce instances of our types and evidence that allows that factory to return our specific types.

    This is a version of the code above introducing such construct and using ContextBounds to obtain the right factory instance of the type we want.

    trait Sup 
    class Sub extends Sup {
      val str = "I'm a Sub"
    class Sub2 extends Sup {
      val number = 42
    trait SupProvider[T <: Sup] {
      def instance:T
    object SupProvider {
      def getSomeSup[T<:Sup:SupProvider]: T = implicitly[SupProvider[T]].instance
      implicit object SubProvider extends SupProvider[Sub] {
        def instance = new Sub
      implicit object Sub2Provider extends SupProvider[Sub2] {
        def instance = new Sub2
    // res: String = I'm a Sub
    // res: Int = 42