
How can I use PHP to list all the dates in a year?

I'm trying to use PHP to create a script that searches all the days between now and one year's time and lists all the dates for Fridays and Saturdays. I was trying to use PHP's date() and mktime() functions but can't think of a way of doing this. Is it possible?

Thanks, Ben


  • Here's how to do it in a cool way, with special thanks to strtotime's relative formats.

    $friday = strtotime('Next Friday', time());
    $saturday = strtotime('Next Saturday', time());
    $friday = strtotime('+1 Week', $friday);
    $saturday = strtotime('+1 Week', $saturday);

    Of course you should tweak it to do exactly what you want, but that's beside the point I was trying to make.

    Also note that strtotime will give you timestamps. To find out the date use:

    date('Y-m-d', $friday)

    Another thing to know is that Next <dayofweek> will exclude your current day from the search, so if you also want to include the current day you can do it like this:

    $friday = strtotime('Next Friday', strtotime('-1 Day', time()));

    And here's a full working script that does exactly what you wanted.

    // prevent multiple calls by retrieving time once //
    $now = time();
    $aYearLater = strtotime('+1 Year', $now);
    // fill this with dates //
    $allDates = Array();
    // init with next friday and saturday //
    $friday = strtotime('Next Friday', strtotime('-1 Day', $now));
    $saturday = strtotime('Next Saturday', strtotime('-1 Day', $now));
    // keep adding days untill a year has passed //
        if($friday > $aYearLater)
            break 1;
        $allDates[] = date('Y-m-d', $friday);
        if($saturday > $aYearLater)
            break 1;
        $allDates[] = date('Y-m-d', $saturday);
        $friday = strtotime('+1 Week', $friday);
        $saturday = strtotime('+1 Week', $saturday);
    //XXX: debug

    Good luck, Alin