
How to assign strings instead of on-the-fly numbers as the value of the given specific dataframe?

(reproducible example given) The function causfinder::causalitycombinations below:

causalitycombinations <- function (nvars, ncausers, ndependents) 
    independents <- combn(nvars, ncausers)
    swingnumber <- dim(combn(nvars - ncausers, ndependents))[[2]]
    numberofallcombinations <- dim(combn(nvars, ncausers))[[2]] * swingnumber
    dependents <- matrix(, nrow = dim(combn(nvars, ncausers))[[2]] * swingnumber, ncol = ndependents)
    for (i in as.integer(1:dim(combn(nvars, ncausers))[[2]])) {
        dependents[(swingnumber * (i - 1) + 1):(swingnumber * i), ] <- t(combn(setdiff(seq(1:nvars), independents[, i]), ndependents))
    swingedindependents <- matrix(, nrow = dim(combn(nvars, ncausers))[[2]] * swingnumber, ncol = ncausers)
    for (i in as.integer(1:dim(combn(nvars, ncausers))[[2]])) {
        for (j in as.integer(1:swingnumber)) {
            swingedindependents[(i - 1) * swingnumber + j, ] <- independents[, i]
    independentsdependents <- cbind(swingedindependents, dependents)
    others <- matrix(, nrow = dim(combn(nvars, ncausers))[[2]] * swingnumber, ncol = nvars - ncausers - ndependents)
    for (i in as.integer(1:((dim(combn(nvars, ncausers))[[2]]) * 
        swingnumber))) {
        others[i, ] <- setdiff(seq(1:nvars), independentsdependents[i, ])
    causalitiestemplate <- cbind(independentsdependents, others)

lists all the multivariate causality combinations. For example, in a 4-variable system, conditioned on the other 2 variables of the system, they are (when variables are assigned to numbers 1,2,3,4 and this assignment is kept throughout the analysis):


      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
 [1,]    1    2    3    4
 [2,]    1    3    2    4
 [3,]    1    4    2    3
 [4,]    2    1    3    4
 [5,]    2    3    1    4
 [6,]    2    4    1    3 # to check whether 2nd var Grangercauses 4th var condioned on 1 and 3
 [7,]    3    1    2    4
 [8,]    3    2    1    4
 [9,]    3    4    1    2
[10,]    4    1    2    3
[11,]    4    2    1    3
[12,]    4    3    1    2


data.frame(from = causalitycombinations(4,1,1)[,1], to= causalitycombinations(4,1,1)[,2],
                 pval = c(0.5,0.6,0.1, #I just typed random p-vals here


   from to  pval
1     1  2 0.5
2     1  3 0.6
3     1  4 0.1
4     2  1 0.4
5     2  3 0.8
6     2  4 0.2
7     3  1 0.1
8     3  2 0.5
9     3  4 0.9
10    4  1 0.0
11    4  2 0.0
12    4  3 0.1
  1. In the above "from" and "to" columns' entries, I wanna print variables' names (say: "inf", "gdp", "exc", "stock") instead of their representative numbers (i.e., 1,2,3,4). How to achieve this?

  2. Equivalently, how to list combinations with strings instead of numbers


  • We can update columns with matching names by position from string vector:

    # update columns with matching name
    df1$from <- c("inf", "gdp", "exc", "stock")[df1$from]
    df1$to <- c("inf", "gdp", "exc", "stock")[df1$to]
    # result
    #     from    to pval
    # 1    inf   gdp  0.5
    # 2    inf   exc  0.6
    # 3    inf stock  0.1
    # 4    gdp   inf  0.4
    # 5    gdp   exc  0.8
    # 6    gdp stock  0.2
    # 7    exc   inf  0.1
    # 8    exc   gdp  0.5
    # 9    exc stock  0.9
    # 10 stock   inf  0.0
    # 11 stock   gdp  0.0
    # 12 stock   exc  0.1
    # input data
    df1 <- read.table(text="   from to  pval
    1     1  2 0.5
    2     1  3 0.6
    3     1  4 0.1
    4     2  1 0.4
    5     2  3 0.8
    6     2  4 0.2
    7     3  1 0.1
    8     3  2 0.5
    9     3  4 0.9
    10    4  1 0.0
    11    4  2 0.0
    12    4  3 0.1", header = TRUE)