
Parent properties inside maven antrun plugin

There is a multi-module project. Inside the child I need to do some complicated stuff (integration test with deploying to application server and so on). So there is an integrationtest child, and from this module I need the root of the parent to reach other modules. I do not want to use "..". There is a property in integrationtest POM:


And there is an antrun plugin with the following content:


In the output, the main.basedir is not resolved:

[echoproperties] #Ant properties
[echoproperties] #Thu Oct 28 09:32:13 CEST 2010
[echoproperties] ant.core.lib=C\:\\Users\\gaborl\\.m2\\repository\\org\\apache\\ant\\ant\\1.8.1\\ant-1.8.1.jar
[echoproperties] main.basedir=${project.parent.basedir}
[echoproperties] maven.dependency.antlr.antlr.jar.path=C\:\\Users\\gaborl\\.m2\\repository\\antlr\\antlr\\2.7.6\\antlr-2.7.6.jar

After becoming really angry I decided to ask you how to get around this...


  • I don't know exactly why the ${project.parent.basedir} is not "available" from AntRun, maybe it's just not supported (see

    Here is an horrible workaround using gmaven:

    'main.basedir', project.parent.basedir.toString())
              <echo>project.artifactId        : ${project.artifactId}</echo>
              <echo>project.parent.basedir    : ${project.parent.basedir}</echo>
              <echo>main.basedir              : ${main.basedir}</echo>
              <echo>project.basedir           : ${project.basedir}</echo>
              <echo>   : ${}</echo>

    I'm not proud of it, but it kinda "works" (if a string representation of the path to the parent basedir is ok for you):

    $ mvn validate
    [INFO] Scanning for projects...
    [INFO] --- maven-antrun-plugin:1.6:run (render-parameter-sql) @ Q4040778 ---
    [INFO] Executing tasks
         [echo] project.artifactId        : Q4040778
         [echo] project.parent.basedir    : ${project.parent.basedir}
         [echo] main.basedir              : /home/pascal/Projects/stackoverflow
         [echo] project.basedir           : /home/pascal/Projects/stackoverflow/Q4040778
         [echo]   : /home/pascal/Projects/stackoverflow/Q4040778/target
    [INFO] Executed tasks

    But I need to say that what you want to do (from this module I need the root of the parent to reach other modules) is a bad practice, modules should be self contained and not tightly coupled.

    I do not recommend using what I posted :)