I have a GroupMe bot that can send messages to the chat it is assigned to in this format:
curl -d '{"text" : "text", "bot_id" : "(REDACTED)"}' https://api.groupme.com/v3/bots/post
So, instead of typing up this monstrosity every time I wanted to send a message, I decided to create an alias for it.
Here is what I attempted to use in my .bash_profile for this:
alias groupmessage=groupmessagefunction
groupmessagefunction() { curl -d '{"text" : $1, "bot_id" : "(REDACTED)"}' https://api.groupme.com/v3/bots/post; }
Could anyone inform me what the correct formatting would be to get this to work? Thanks!
Update 1:
I now have my code as follows:
alias groupmessage=groupmessagefunction
groupmessagefunction() { curl -d '{"text" : '"$1"', "bot_id" : '"$v"'}' https://api.groupme.com/v3/bots/post; }
I would like to point out that what I am trying to accomplish is type in something like:
groupmessage "hello"
groupmessage hello
Then, it will send out the following command:
curl -d '{"text" : "hello", "bot_id" : "bot_id_string"}' https://api.groupme.com/v3/bots/post
I hope this helps clarify this question if any misunderstanding occurred.
Now, I hope this will be the solution for you:
curl -d '{"text" : "Test", "'$v'" : "(REDACTED)"}' api.groupme.com/v3/bots/post
You have to use ' '
around $v
--> '$v'
because this will allow bash to evaluate $v
inside curl -d ' ... '
As I see it would be the better way to use eval
alias groupmessage=groupmessagefunction
groupmessagefunction() {
a="curl -d '{\"text\" : \"$1\", \"bot_id\" : \"$v\"}' https://api.groupme.com/v3/bots/post"
echo "$a" # this echo just for checking
eval "$a"; }
groupmessage "Hello is it working now ?"