
Move UniVerse data into SQL Server 2014 using u2 Toolkit

I am attempting to migrate a UniVerse database into SQL Server 2014. I have downloaded and installed the U2 toolkit for .net from Rocket software. The U2 provider is displayed in the dropdown list and I have entered all the required info in the Connection Manager window. Once I have entered the info, I test the connection and it connects successfully. But when I try to access the dropdown to view the available tables within the UniVerse database, the tables fail to load. Also when I try to use an SQL command instead, I receive and error that states that the table I selected in my query does not exist. In addition to those errors, I have applied the same configuration to an alternate development server and I receive an IBM Informix error. I have provided screenshots and OS information below.

I logged to HS.ADMIN on my UniVerse database to configure for odbc access, but I still have not had any success. I am new to UniVerse/UniData databases so it could be that I am just doing something flat out wrong. Any guidance/resources would be greatly appreciated.

Has anyone out there been able to connect to a U2 provider source with SSIS?

Windows OS Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Visual Studios 2013 Ultimate (BIDS) Windows Server 2012 R2

Rocket u2 UniVerse DBMS ver u2 ToolKit for .NET ver 2.2

Table does not exist

IBM Informix error


  • I have not used SSIS directly with U2 provider source. However, I have used a U2.NET toolkit provider source with C#.

    In my experience, the core query mechanism for the U2 .NET toolkit is shared with the ODBC provider. Therefore, I recommend focusing on getting ODBC running first. Although it sounds like you've already seen it, make sure you check out how to configure your UniVerse account for ODBC per Rocket's ODBC documentation (specifically pages 2-4 and 2-5). I have often verified my ODBC setup using Excel's external data access tools. Try starting small, allowing a couple files/table and then checking if you can query them in ODBC.