In IE 11 and IE 10 I am having a invalid character error on the line below:
if (!plugin.$element.attr(``data-${ pluginName }``)) {
I know this is due to ES6 not being supported but I do not know how I can sort this out. Foundation already includes babel and I thought that this script below would fix the issue but hasn't.
return gulp.src(PATHS.javascript)
.pipe($.concat('foundation.js', {
.pipe($.if(isProduction, uglify))
.pipe($.if(!isProduction, $.sourcemaps.write()))
This is a problem in the foundation.core.js file that is included with Foundation.
To see this problem you can navigate to the below url and load it in IE 11 or 10:
Has anyone got a fix for this?
I fixed the problem by re installed bower and it worked fine.. odd..