
"myapp.exe has triggered a breakpoint" while debugging - afterwards slow symbol loading in Visual Studio 2015 Update 3

We have a C++ project in STA mode which opens an C#/WPF lib that hosts an ESRI ArcEngine MapControl via WindowsFormsIntegration. This worked fine in Visual Studio 2013. Since we switched to VS2015 Update 3 starting the ArcEngine part while debugging (both in Debug and Release) is horribly slow after an mysterious breakpoint is hit in wntdll.pdb: "ArcEngineTestApp.exe has triggered a breakpoint."

enter image description here

There is no further explaination in the Output window (see full output). When I hit continue, the app continues loading symbols, but at least from now on it's definitly slower than in Visual Studio 2013. It takes VS 2015 15s to reach the breakpoint and 2:15m to complete the loading afterwards. VS 2013 shows the ArcEngine in 15-20s. See this screenshot for comparision (unfortunatly one can't copy the timestamp) enter image description here

When I hit break on the message, "wntdll.pdb not loaded" is shown:

enter image description here

Loading the pdb from the Microsoft server fails.

To demonstrate this we made a demo project (see below for details).

This only occurs while debugging. The compiled app works fine and fast.

What we have tried yet without success:

List of installed extensions:

VS 2015 Output (beginning with the start of the ArcEngine call).

To run the Demo project, you need a valid ArcEngine license and the ArcEngine SDK. Due to license reasons we can't publish the ESRI dlls. Copy them into the project folder "ArcEngineTestLibs".

Debugging settings in Visual Studio 2015: enter image description here


  • When I change the C++ project settings in Debugging / Debugger Type from "Auto" to "Managed Only", it's fast again as in VS 2013. Still wondering why.