I'm trying to make a program that would print the user input in a first in first out order. I have currently made a program that prints the stack LIFO (last in first out). However how would I go about implementing a queue that would display the output of the stack in a FIFO (first in first out) order.
My code below :
import java.util.*;
public class stackReversal {
private class Node {
private String item;
private Node next;
private Node first = null;
public boolean isEmpty() {
return (first == null);
public void push(String s) {
Node node = new Node();
node.item = s;
node.next = first;
first = node;
public String pop() {
if (first == null)
throw new RuntimeException("Stack Empty!");
String result = first.item;
first = first.next;
return result;
public String popString() {
String result = "";
Node current = first;
while (current != null) {
result += current.item;
current = current.next;
return result;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder nodes = new StringBuilder();
Node node = first;
while (node != null) {
node = node.next;
if(isEmpty()) {
return "";
} else {
return nodes.toString().substring(0, nodes.toString().length());
class Queue{
Node first, last;
public void enqueue(Node n){
if(first == null){
first = n;
last = first;
last.next = n;
last = n;
public Node dequeue(){
if(first == null){
return null;
Node temp = new Node(first);
first = first.next;
return temp;
public static void main(String[] args)
stackReversal s = new stackReversal();
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.print("Enter strings:");
String in = "";
while (!in.equals("end-of-input"))
in = input.nextLine();
if (in.equals("end-of-input"))
System.out.println("Strings:"+"\n" + s);
I modified as provided above. Reversing the logic.The original Scanner method was not correctly formatted.
import java.util.*;
public class stackReversal {
private class Node {
private String item;
private Node next;
// private Node prev;
private Node first = null;
public boolean isEmpty() {
return (first == null);
public void push(String s) {
Node node = new Node();
node.item = s;
node.next = first;
first = node;
public String pop() {
if (first == null)
throw new RuntimeException("Stack Empty!");
String result = first.item;
first = first.next;
return result;
public String popString() {
String result = "";
Node current = first;
while (current != null) {
result += current.item;
current = current.next;
return result;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder nodes = new StringBuilder();
Node node = first;
while (node != null) {
node = node.next;
if(isEmpty()) {
return "";
} else {
return nodes.toString().substring(0, nodes.toString().length());
class Queue{
Node first, last;
public void enqueue(String s){
Node node = new Node();
node.item = s;
node.next = first;
first = node;
public Node dequeue(){
if(first == null){
return null;
Node temp = new Node();//Node temp = new Node();
first = first.next;
return temp;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder nodes = new StringBuilder();
Node node = first;
while (node != null) {
// Insert the current item at the beginning of the String
nodes.insert(0, String.format("%s%n", node.item));
node = node.next;
if(isEmpty()) {
return "";
} else {
return nodes.toString().substring(0, nodes.toString().length());
public static void main(String[] args)
stackReversal s = new stackReversal();
Queue q = s.new Queue();
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.print("Enter strings:");
String in = input.nextLine();
while (!in.equals("end-of-input"))
if (in.equals("end-of-input"))
in = input.nextLine();
System.out.println("Strings:"+"\n" + s);
System.out.println("Strings:"+"\n" + q);