I am exploring the elastic
R package to write a data frame to ElasticSearch.
I am using docs_bulk
One of the columns in my dataframe is @timestamp which is in POSIXct
But the field is getting saved in Elastic Search as string.
Any idea on how can I get the column saved in time format.
I also tried by manually created the index mapping with proper data type definition but it didn't work.
Please suggest.
R: 3.3.1
Elastic Search - 2.4.1
OS - Redhat
doesn't try to capture data types from your input data.frame or list to docs_bulk()
- We could think about trying to do that, but I imagine R data types wouldn't map exactly to Elasticsearch types - might play around with trying to map data types. Here's how I'd do it:
Dummy data.frame
df <- data.frame(
date = as.POSIXct(seq(from = as.Date("2016-10-01"),
to = as.Date("2016-10-31"), by = 'day')),
num = 1:31
Create a mapping, either as a list or JSON string
mapping <- list(
world = list(properties = list(
date = list(
type = "date",
format = "yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm:ss"
num = list(type = "long")
Make the index
index_create(index = "hello")
Create the mapping in the index
mapping_create(index = "hello", type = "world", body = mapping)
Get the mapping
#> $hello
#> $hello$mappings
#> $hello$mappings$world
#> $hello$mappings$world$properties
#> $hello$mappings$world$properties$date
#> $hello$mappings$world$properties$date$type
#> [1] "date"
#> $hello$mappings$world$properties$date$format
#> [1] "yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm:ss"
#> $hello$mappings$world$properties$num
#> $hello$mappings$world$properties$num$type
#> [1] "long"
Bulk load data.frame
docs_bulk(df, index = "hello", type = "world")
Search on the index