
How stable is the microsoft azure compute emulator?

My organization is difficult at a policy level. I have an opportunity to create an app that is appropriate as a Worker Role. Using Azure or Azure Stack/Pack is out of the question because of the insanity of the Security folks. I might be able to use Azure Compute Emulator so as to position the customer for the future. My question is: Is Azure Compute Emulator stable ? Will it run by itself for long periods of time ? Does it start roles automatically ? Does it leak memory , etc. ? I welcome comments/opinions/alternatives on this - however my hands are tied by IA -- it is what it is and I can't change it. Please do not send comments about whether or not this is a good idea - my only alternative is IIS Roles. If this works, it may provide an option to do PaaS inside Dockers.*


  • Apparantly, my question is not as insane as others indicated.

    These guys have the same kind of issues I have and created LightBlue and Azure emulator.