$arr = [
'content_type' => ['story', 'delhi', 'tez'],
'type' => ['video_id', 'subcategory', 'story_id'],
'fetch_id' => [32, 32, 2],
'order' => [6, 4, 5],
'label' => ['dsfs fdsf dsf sdf', 'dfsdfs', 'sdfsdfsd'],
'link' => ['fsd fsdf sdf', 'fsdfsdfdsf', 'fsdfdsfds'],
'record' => [10, 8, 12]
Above is the array I have to sort this array in the basis of order field and it should also sort all other fields accordingly like below example.
$arr['order'][0] = 4;
$arr['order'][1] = 5;
$arr['order'][2] = 6;
$arr['type'][0] = 'subcategory';
$arr['type'][1] = 'story_id';
$arr['type'][2] = 'video_id';
and so on.....
You can try this -
$new = array();
// Extract and get the keys as values
$order = array_flip($array['order']);
// sort them according to keys
// loop through main array
foreach($array as $key => $sub_array) {
// loop through order
foreach ($order as $o) {
// store the new value according to order
$new[$key][] = $sub_array[$o];