I am currently trying to come up with a pretty solution that generates an integer based state, based on a struct.
struct status{
* @brief busy
* true = Currently handling a message in manual mode
* false = Not handling
bool busy;
* @brief speed
* Variable containing the current speed
* Speed possibilities [FAST;MEDIUM;SLOW]
int speed;
* @brief powered
* A boolean determining whether it is powered or not.
* true = ON
* false = OFF
bool powered;
* @brief direction
* A boolean determing the direction
* true = FORWARD
* false = BACKWARDS
bool direction;
The function need to take an instance of the struct in, and generate a unique state based on member variables.
What is a pretty solution that doesn't involve manually checking, or setting up all the possibilities an thereby generate the state?
You can use a bitset (either std::bitset
or an unsigned numerical type) to represent your unique state.
You will need:
.In total, you will need 5 bits to represent all possible combinations.
auto status::hash() const noexcept
std::bitset<5> b;
b |= speed; // assumes only the last two bits in `speed` are used
b.set(4, busy);
b.set(3, powered);
b.set(2, direction);
return b;