
having trouble with slimframework's Immutable responses

I am trying to setup a project for an API using slim framework version 3, I don't know who made the PSR-7 and marked the response object as immutable, I don't see any use in that (IMHO. please explain me if I am wrong). Things were much easier when it was slim 2. Now I came back to slim after a long time.

I have a route which is a post method, I am getting data and saving it to the database and I am trying to send 201 as the response code. all the examples and the documentation is showing you how can you change the response code within the index.php file itself, But I am trying to change it from a response builder which I have tried to use the factory pattern to provide different responses. The problem is the response code always stays 200 no matter what function I call from the response builder class. I tried many forums and different ways of slim but still couldn't able to pull this up. I almost decided to give up on a PSR 7 router implementation and going to implement my own routing solution. But I remember not to reinvent the wheel again so I came here as a final try. Below is the code.

the route definition

$app->post('/users', function(ServerRequestInterface $req, ResponseInterface $res) {
    $data = $req->getParsedBody();
    $model = new \Apex\Models\User(ApexDB::getInstance());
    $jsonBuilder = ApexResponse::getBuilder('JSON', $res);
    $control = new \Apex\Controllers\User($model, $jsonBuilder);


the controller method (abstract I am just setting it up)

public function create($data) {
        if($this->model->save($data)) {
        } else {

the JSON builder

class JSONBuilder implements Response
    public $response;

    public function __construct($response)
        $this->response = $response;

    public function build($data, $status)
        $response = $this->response->withJSON($data,$status);
        return $response;

can anyone point me in the right direction?


  • The PSR-7 decision to use immutable objects for Request and Response is documented in the Why value objects? section of the Meta document.

    With Slim 3, you must always return a Response instance from the controller method.

    $app->post('/users', function(ServerRequestInterface $req, ResponseInterface $res): ResponseInterface {
        $data = $req->getParsedBody();
        $model = new \Apex\Models\User(ApexDB::getInstance());
        $jsonBuilder = ApexResponse::getBuilder('JSON', $res);
        $control = new \Apex\Controllers\User($model, $jsonBuilder);
        return $control->create($data);

    and then your create method also needs to return the $response:

    public function create($data) {
        if ($this->model->save($data)) {
            $this->response->build($data, 201);
        } else {
            $this->response->build('error', 400);
        return $this->response;

    It should then work.

    However, you can use the controller method directly from the route declaration and avoid the need for a the closure:

    $app->post('/users', `Apex\Controllers\User::create`);

    The controller's create method would then look like this:

    namespace Apex\Controllers;
    class User
        public function create($request, $response)
            $data = $request->getParsedBody();
            $model = new \Apex\Models\User(ApexDB::getInstance());
            $jsonBuilder = ApexResponse::getBuilder('JSON', $response);
            if ($model->save($data)) {
                $response = $jsonBuilder->build($data, 201);
            } else {
                $response = $jsonBuilder->build('error', 400);
            return $response;

    Finally, consider rka-content-type-renderer instead of JsonBuilder, though maybe it does more than you've shown.


    Ideally you'd use constructor injection to inject the User model into the controller. To do this:

    1. Update your controller:

       namespace Apex\Controllers;
       use Apex\Models\User as UserModel;
       class User
           protected $userModel;
           public function __construct(UserModel $userModel)
               $this->userModel = $userModel;
           public function create($request, $response)
               $data = $request->getParsedBody();
               $jsonBuilder = ApexResponse::getBuilder('JSON', $response);
               if ($this->userModel->save($data)) {
                   $response = $jsonBuilder->build($data, 201);
               } else {
                   $response = $jsonBuilder->build('error', 400);
               return $response;
    2. Write a factory for the Pimple dependency injection container:

       $container = $app->getContainer();
       $container['Apex\Controllers\User'] = function ($c) {
           $userModel = new \Apex\Models\User(ApexDB::getInstance());
           return new \ApexController\User($userModel);