
Action in fb:request form is always null

UPDATE: this has just started happening again, would appreciate any help.

I am using server fbml to render an Invite Friends iframe and it was working fine up until two days ago. Basically, after submitting the form, a java action should be invoked where I get all the id's of the user's invited.

However, I now notice that an "invite by email" popup is showing up and, most importantly, my java action isn't being hit at all. When I inspect the form in firebug, I notice that the action is always empty (though all other parameters are preserved correctly).

I've tried setting email_invite=false on the multi-friend-selctor but to no avail.

My code looks like the following:

        <fb:request-form action="http://localhost:8080/" method="POST" invite="false" target="_top" type="invite" content="CONTENT_GOES_HERE" > 
            <fb:multi-friend-selector showborder="false" actiontext="Invite your friends to use our app." target="_top" email_invite="false"> 


Any help would be greatly appreciated on this.

UPDATE: this has just started happening again, would appreciate any help.

Thanks, gearoid.


  • I had an incorrect appId set in the fb-root javascript. This caused the error.