
IBM RAD / RSA: "Generate Java bean skeleton" Does Not Display When Right-Clicking WSDL File

Using IBM Rational Software Architect 9.5 for Windows, I am working through a tutorial for a top-down (contract-first) SOAP Web Service from a WSDL, as described in this IBM Redbook: (which had been recommended in this Stack Overflow post: Generate java classes with wsdl/xsd files using RAD)

I have a WSDL file, and I'm supposed to right-click this file, and choose, from the context menu, "Web Services -> Generate Java bean skeleton".

For whatever reason, the only sub-menu under "Web Services" is "Test With Generic Service Client".

What might I be doing incorrectly, and what should I do at this point in order to generate skeleton classes from this WSDL?

Thanks in advance for any tips!


  • I found an answer.

    When using RSA 9.5's wizard for creating a Dynamic Web Project for the Web Service, I had been selecting Dynamic web module version 3.0.

    When I instead selected Dynamic web module version 2.5, right-clicking the WSDL file and choosing "Web Services" from the context menu did indeed display the "Generate Java bean skeleton".

    I don't know why selection Dynamic web module version 3.0 prevents this menu item from displaying. I assume that the old "Generate Java bean skeleton" option has been replaced by something else, but I don't know what at this time.