
Secured Elastic Search R connection Error - Client requested protocal TLSv1 not enabled or not supported

I use the elastic 0.7.8 R package to connect to my Elastic Search instance. Recently, I tried to secure the Elastic Search by using Search Guard 2.

Everything work fines after securing it. But when I try to connect from R, it fails.

connect(es_base = "https://localhost", es_port = 9200, es_user = USER, es_pwd = PASS)

The error in the log is "Client requested protocal TLSv1 not enabled or not supported"

I tried to connect to Elastic Search using cURL as below:

I am unable to figure out how to force R to use TLSv1.1.

Please assist.

Below are the version:


  • In elasticsearch.yml simply set

      - "TLSv1.2"
      - "TLSv1.1"
      - "TLSv1"

    See also