I have list of String and i want to import all the elements to the graph database. By saying import i mean, i want to set the String as the Node's property. The size of the list is gonna be massive. So is there any way to automate Node naming ? Because by the traditional way, you have to create Nodes by calling graphDb.createNode() 100 times, if the size of the list is 100.
You can pass your list of strings as a parameter to a Cypher query. Here is a sample snippet:
List<String> names = ...;
try ( Transaction tx = graphDb.beginTx() )
String queryString = "UNWIND {names} AS name CREATE (n:User {name: name})";
Map<String, Object> parameters = new HashMap<>();
parameters.put( "names", names );
graphDb.execute( queryString, parameters );
Note: If the list of strings is "too long", the above approach will not work, as the server could run out of memory trying to do all that processing in a single transaction. In that case, you may want to use an APOC procedure like apoc.periodic.iterate to create the nodes in smaller batches.