
Parsing String into tokens in C - what's going wrong?

I'm trying to split a string into tokens to create an array of argument parameters. My current implementation is as follows (path is the path to the user-executable file for which optional arguments are being read):

// ARG_MAX as defined in limits.h
int execute(char *exe) {
    printf("args to %s: ", exe);

    char *args = malloc(ARG_MAX);
    scanf("%s", args);

    char *argv[ARG_MAX];

    int i = 0;
    argv[i++] = exe;

    while ((argv[i] = strsep(&args, " \t")) != NULL) {

    execv(exe, argv);
    return 0;

What's confusing me is that from my understanding of strsep this should be working as intended, and it does to an extent in that when tested it accurately allocates tokens[0] to be path, and tokens[1] to be whatever tokens_s up to the first whitespace character is.

When after a space you enter another argument, however, this is not allocated into tokens[2], and so on for subsequent arguments.

I can't seem to spot what it is I've done wrong when using strsep that isn't leading to the desired functionality?

input: exe = "/usr/bin/ps" args = "-e -l"

output: exec ps -e


  • Multiple errors:

    Here is a corrected version:

    #include <errno.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <unistd.h>
    #include <limits.h>
    // ARG_MAX as defined in limits.h
    int execute(char *exe) {
        char args[ARG_MAX + 1];
        printf("args to %s: ", exe);
        if (fgets(args, sizeof args, stdin)) {
            char *argv[ARG_MAX / 2];
            char *p;
            int i = 0;
            argv[i++] = exe;
            p = args;
            args[strcspn(args, "\n")] = '\0';  // strip the newline if present
            while ((argv[i] = strsep(&p, " \t")) != NULL) {
            printf("argv: ");
            for (i = 0; argv[i]; i++)
                printf(" '%s'", argv[i]);
            execv(exe, argv);
            printf("exec failed: %s\n", strerror(errno));
        } else {
            printf("cannot read input\n");
        return 0;
    int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
        char *exe = "printf";
        if (argc > 1)
            exe = argv[1];
        return execute(exe);


    EDIT: If input is read from stdin before you get to run execute, and if such input is performed with calls to scanf(), there might be a pending newline in the stdin buffer, and fgets() would read it as an empty line. If this is the case, first flush the pending input before calling printf():

    int c;
    while ((c = getchar()) != EOF && c != '\n') {