I am trying to map a xml response given by a web service to a java object using SimpleXML 2.1.0, but i am stuck.
This is the xml:
<QueryINVAP-WS-ASSETResponse baseLanguage="ES" creationDateTime="2016-11-08T17:10:09-03:00">
<ASSET rowstamp="265381811">
As you can imagine, the only data I want to convert to a java object are assetid, assetnum, description, itemnum, location, SerialNum and siteid.
Until now this is what I have:
@Root(name = "QueryINVAP-WS-ASSETResponse", strict = false)
public class Activos {
@ElementList(inline = true, entry = "ASSET", type = Activo.class)
private List<Activo> activos;
class Activo {
@Attribute(name = "rowstamp")
public String rowstamp;
@Element(name = "ASSETID")
public Integer assetid;
@Element(name = "ASSETNUM")
public String assetnum;
@Element(name = "DESCRIPTION")
public String description;
@Element(name = "LOCATION")
public String location;
@Element(name = "SERIALNUM")
public String serialnum;
@Element(name = "SITEID")
public String siteid;
The error I get is:
org.simpleframework.xml.core.ValueRequiredException: Unable to satisfy @org.simpleframework.xml.ElementList(data=false, empty=true, entry=ASSET, inline=true, name=, required=true, type=class invap.invapgestionmovil.modelos.Activos$Activo) on field 'activos' private java.util.List invap.invapgestionmovil.modelos.Activos.activos for class invap.invapgestionmovil.modelos.Activos at line 1
what am I doing wrong?
Well, finally I solved the issue. I created three classes:
@Root(name = "QueryINVAP-WS-ASSETResponse", strict=false)
public class QueryINVAPWSASSETResponse {
@Element(name = "INVAP-WS-ASSETSet")
private INVAPWSASSETSet set;
@Root(name = "INVAP-WS-ASSETSet", strict=false)
public class INVAPWSASSETSet {
@ElementList(inline=true, name = "ASSET")
private List<Activo> activos;
@Root(name = "ASSET", strict = false)
public class Activo {
@Attribute(name = "rowstamp")
public String rowstamp;
@Element(name = "ASSETID")
public Integer assetid;
@Element(name = "ASSETNUM")
public String assetnum;
@Element(name = "DESCRIPTION")
public String description;
@Element(name = "LOCATION")
public String location;
@Element(name = "SERIALNUM")
public String serialnum;
@Element(name = "SITEID")
public String siteid;
Now when I do the call I get the asset "wrapped" with the others two classes.
Hope this help others :) Regards