
oscommerce echo osc_link_object(osc_href_link problem

In oscommerce, I have set the DIR_WS_IMAGES from the config.php to be an external url so that the site loads the images from a static cookie-less subdomain.

The images work fine except the pop-us.

The pop-up scritp echo osc_link_object(osc_href_link(DIR_WS_IMAGES. will give the following url http://www.example.com/http://subdomain.example.com/products/originals/image.jpg which will not function as its calling main url plus the DIR_WS_IMAGES url.

How can I amend the script to just call subdomain.excample.com

Thanks for any help.

Regs Fabian

This is the code that is giving a double url [http://www.example.com/http://subdomain.example.com] that needs to be corrected to output just the [http://subdomian.example.com]


    $group_id = $osC_Image->getID('originals');

    echo osc_link_object(osc_href_link(DIR_WS_IMAGES.'products/'.$osC_Image->getCode($group_id).'/'.$osC_Product->getImage(),null,'AUTO',false), $osC_Image->show($osC_Product->getImage(), $osC_Product->getTitle(), null, 'product_info'), 'target="_blank" rel=""');?>

Appreciate all the help.

Regs Fab


  • I have managed to correct the problem by simply doing

    osc_link_object($link = DIR_WS_IMAGES.('products/'....

    instead of

    echo osc_link_object(osc_href_link(DIR_WS_IMAGES.'products/'....