
Angular Controller/Factory calling API in wrong order

I have the following factory and controller:

(function () {
    'use strict';
    .factory('Auth', ['$http', function AuthFactory($http) {

        return {
            NavAuth: function (Tab) {
                return $http({ method: 'GET', url: 'Dashboard/AuthorizeNavItem', params: { Name: Tab } });


.controller('IndexController', ['fuseTheming', 'msNavigationService', 'Auth', function (fuseTheming, msNavigationService, Auth) {
    var vm = this;

    //Define the tabs
    msNavigationService.saveItem('app', {
        title: 'QPSTool',
        group: true,
        weight: 1

    msNavigationService.saveItem('app.dashboard', {
        title: 'Dashboard',
        icon: 'icon-tile-four',
        state: 'app.dashboard',
        weight: 1

    Auth.NavAuth('IT').success(function (result) {
        if (result == 'Authorized') {
            msNavigationService.saveItem('', {
                title: 'IT',
                icon: 'icon-monitor',
                weight: 2

    Auth.NavAuth('Users').success(function (result) {
        if (result == 'Authorized') {
            msNavigationService.saveItem('', {
                title: 'Users',
                state: '',
                weight: 1

    Auth.NavAuth('Admin').success(function (result) {
        if (result == 'Authorized') {
            msNavigationService.saveItem('app.admin', {
                title: 'Admin',
                icon: 'icon-radioactive',
                weight: 3

    Auth.NavAuth('NavControl').success(function (result) {
        if (result == 'Authorized') {
            msNavigationService.saveItem('app.admin.navcontrol', {
                title: 'Navigation Auth',
                state: 'app.admin.navcontrol',
                weight: 1

    // Data
    vm.themes = fuseTheming.themes;

What the factory method NavAuth does is it takes a navigation item name as a parameter and tells us whether a user is allowed to access this item.

The issue I am having is that in the controller when I use msNavigationService.saveItem data is being returned in a random order. So It will return the authorized for NavControl before IT.

This causes the side navigation to not render correctly.

How do I make it so that things will run in the order that I have specified in the controller (i.e. how do i make it wait until one is done to do the other)?


  • I think your issue would not be resolved by $q.all but by putting the then part of the promise, so you would do something like

    NavAuth('IT').then(function (res) {
      // doWhatever IT function does;
      NavAuth('NavControl').then(function (res) {
        // doWhatever NavControl function does;

    With the then of the promises you enforce the code to be executed in an order, with $q.all() you won't execute everything untill all the promises you pass to the $q.all() have finished, and that is not what you want