I would like render into the statusicon of my application.
I know I can make the statusicon display a pixbuf by setting statusIconPixbuf.
And I can create an empty pixbuf via pixbufNew and do things like filling it with a single color.
But how do render into that pixbuf using cairo?
Or is pixbuf not the right thing to use? Is there a better way to render into the statusicon?
Using a Pixbuf
i need a way to render into it.
The following solution takes a cairo Rendering render :: Render a
and the desired X and Y dimension of the (square) Pixbuf
(You can change this if you need to create non-square Pixbufs.)
import qualified Foreign.Ptr as Pointer
import qualified ByteString as B
renderPixbuf :: Int -> Render a -> IO Pixbuf
renderPixbuf size render = withImageSurface FormatARGB32 size size $ \surface -> do
renderWith surface render
stride <- imageSurfaceGetStride surface
surfaceData <- swapRB stride <$> imageSurfaceGetData surface
B.useAsCStringLen surfaceData $ \(pointer, _) -> do
let pointer' = Pointer.castPtr pointer
pixbufNewFromData pointer' ColorspaceRgb True 8 size size stride
It uses the function withImageSurface to create a surface for cairo to render to and then calls renderWith to do the actual rendering specified by render
The next two lines extract the image stride, i.e. the number of bytes in a line and the actual image data as ByteString.
is a function that transforms the ByteString because somehow the red and blue channel are in the wrong order. See below for how this is done.
In B.useAsCStringLen it gets low-level: It taks the ByteString returned by imageSurfaceGetData and converts it to a Ptr CUChar
to create a new Pixbuf using pixbufNewFromData.
That's it.
is defined as follows:
import Data.Word (Word8)
import Data.List (unfoldr)
splitAtIfNotNull :: Int -> B.ByteString -> Maybe (B.ByteString,B.ByteString)
splitAtIfNotNull i string
| B.null string = Nothing
| otherwise = Just $ B.splitAt i string
mapChunks :: (B.ByteString -> B.ByteString) -> Int -> B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
mapChunks mapper chunkSize = B.concat . map mapper . unfoldr (splitAtIfNotNull chunkSize)
swapRB :: Int -> B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
swapRB = mapChunks swapRBforLine
where swapRBforLine :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
swapRBforLine = mapChunks (B.pack . swapRBforPixel . B.unpack) 4
swapRBforPixel :: [Word8] -> [Word8]
swapRBforPixel [b,g,r,a] = [r,g,b,a]
swapRBforPixel other = other
It splits the ByteString of pixeldata into lines, then splits the lines into pixels each consisting of 4 bytes: one byte each for the channels red, green, blue, alpha. Innermost is the actual swapping:
swapRBforPixel [b,g,r,a] = [r,g,b,a]