im trying to get sport matches resul from this website
but any address from this website that i try i end up with page not found
while it opens in my own browser
here is a sample code
var webPage = require('webpage');
var page = webPage.create();
page.onConsoleMessage = function(msg) {
}'', function(status) {
page.evaluate(function() {
i dont know how they are blocking phantom js and i've no idea where to start .....
is there anything in phantom js headers that would alert them ?
i'll appreciate any suggestion or advice on how can i solve this
here is that website output
<a href="">
<img src="logo.jpg" />
<div id="main" class="home">
<div id="breadcrumb">
<strong>The page you requested is not available.</strong>
<hr class="hidden">
<div id="col-content">
<h1>Page not found</h1>
<p>This page not exist on!</p>
<div class="break"></div>
<hr class="hidden">
<div id="footer">
<p class="l">Copyright © 2008-12 (v)</p>
<div class="break"></div>
Try changing the user agent using page.settings.userAgent
var webPage = require('webpage');
var page = webPage.create();
page.settings.userAgent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/37.0.2062.120 Safari/537.36';
Source: PhantomJS Docs