I am having a problem with the special characters in my script:
This is what I have so far:
$curlstrip = explode("&", $data);
$filename = substr(htmlEntities($curlstrip[5]), 2);
and if $data
contains any special charaters like '
which is ', then instead of getting the chunk of string that I need, I get only the first part.
A more detailed example:
$data = "12er&sdsretdgsd&file=Chris ' 19 &blabla"
the script will read the ' after Chris as '
and $curlstrip[5]
will have a different value.
Hope is clear enough.
LE. Following this example:
$data = "12er&sdsretdgsd&file=Chris ' 19 &blabla"
$curlstrip = explode("&", $data);
$curlstrip[0] = '12er';
$curlstrip[1] = 'sdsretdgsd';
$curlstrip[2] = 'file=Chris' instead of 'file=Chris ' 19'
and that is because the ' is being read as
$curlstrip = explode("&", html_entity_decode($data));
$filename = substr(htmlEntities($curlstrip[5]), 2);
As I cant replicate your error given the code supplied, I have a hunch- try:
$data=str_replace("'","'", $data);
$curlstrip = explode("&", html_entity_decode($data));
$filename = substr(htmlEntities($curlstrip[5]), 2);
If, for whatever reason, you have && (two ampersands) occurring in $data next to one another, it will interfere with the explode function.