When trying to synchronize my model with Invantive Control for Excel, the following error occurs:
This is the complete error message:
Type: System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException
at System.RuntimeType.ForwardCallToInvokeMember(String memberName, BindingFlags flags, Object target, Int32[] aWrapperTypes, MessageData& msgData)
at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range.Delete(Object Shift)
at Invantive.Producer.Control.Utility.ResizeBlock(ModelCache modelCache, Workbook workbook, List`1 blocks, iea_blocks_v block, Cube currentCube, Cube desiredCube, Point3d startPoint, Int64 growLength) in File169:line 7968
at Invantive.Producer.Control.Utility.AdjustBlockDimensionOneAxis(SystemWorkingContext context, ModelCache modelCache, Workbook workbook, iea_blocks_v currentBlock, Cube currentCube, Cube desiredCube, IEnumerable`1 anchoredBlocksResult, List`1 blocks, Point3d desiredStartPoint, Int64 growLength, iea_blocks_vBlk_repeat_rows_along adjustAxis, iea_blocks_vBlk_repeat_rows_direction adjustDirection) in File169:line 7293
at Invantive.Producer.Control.Utility.AdjustBlockDimensions(SystemWorkingContext context, ModelCache modelCache, Workbook workbook, List`1 blocks, iea_blocks_v currentBlock, Cube currentCube, Cube desiredCube, Point3d desiredStartPoint) in File169:line 6617
at Invantive.Producer.Control.SyncToDatabaseForm.SyncDownload(DoWorkEventArgs e) in File170:line 2173
What are the steps to solving this error?
The SQL statement on the block in Invantive Control is:
select division_hid
, division_name
, reportingyear_attr
, years_balance_code_attr
, years_balance_description
, open
from BalanceLines
where years_balance_balancetype_attr = "B"
and reportingyear_attr = $X{eol_year_to}
The $X{eol_year_to}
is a referenced to a named range eol_year_to
whose value is used in the query.
I have added to the Excel table two columns, one with a vertical search on GL account classification code and one on GL account classification description. After that addition, the model no longer synchronizes with Exact Online.
You can get the GL account classification code and description from Exact Online in one go also, please use something like the following to get a list of all GL transactions plus the classification code/description:
select tln.division division_hid
, sdn.description division_name
, tln.financialyear finyear_number_attr
, tln.financialperiod finperiod_number_attr
, tln.glaccountcode glaccount_code_attr
, tln.glaccountdescription glaccount_description
, tln.journalcode gltransaction_journal_code_attr
, tln.currency gltransaction_journal_currency_code_attr
, tln.amountdc amount_value
, tln.vatpercentage amount_vatpercentage
, tln.description
, tln.accountname account_name
, sysdate nu
, '=I_EOL_GL_ACTCLN_CODE(,$C{E,.,.,^+4,.})' glactclncode
, '=I_EOL_GL_ACTCLN_DESCRIPTION(,$C{E,.,.,^+4,.})' glactclndescription
from transactionlines tln
join systemdivisions sdn
on sdn.code = tln.division
where tln.financialyear >= $X{eol_year_from}
and tln.financialyear <= $X{eol_year_to}
and tln.financialperiod >= $X{eol_month_from}
and tln.financialperiod <= $X{eol_month_to}
by tln.division
, tln.financialyear
, tln.glaccountcode
In your query, this would be:
select division_hid
, division_name
, reportingyear_attr
, years_balance_code_attr
, years_balance_description
, open
, '=I_EOL_GL_ACTCLN_CODE(,$C{E,.,.,^+3,.})' glactclncode
, '=I_EOL_GL_ACTCLN_DESCRIPTION(,$C{E,.,.,^+3,.})' glactclndescription
from BalanceLines
where years_balance_balancetype_attr = "B"
and reportingyear_attr = $X{eol_year_to}
The process is now:
are evaluated.These formulas take a unique division code (company) plus at least the GL account code. Since the GL account code varies per GL transaction, you want to refer to the contents of a specific column of your query. You can generate a hard-coded formula with the actual GL account code in it.
But it is better to take the GL account code from another cell in Excel.
The $C{...}
syntax allows you during synchronization to replace it by a cell reference. Please consult the online manual and the model editor wizard.
The $C{E,.,.,^+4,.}
too to take any transposition from database into Excel into account, but is seldom used..
: current block, like '.' in vi sometimes referring to 'here'..
: current sheet, like '.' in vi sometimes referring to 'here'.^+4
: column, the left-most cell ('^') of the current Excel row and then four cells to the right..
: current rowYou may also add two more coordinates to the column expression for column 2 and row 2 to indicate a range of cells.