
On synchronize Exact Online GL transactions with Invantive Control for Excel error: "You are trying to move cells within a table on the worksheet"

When trying to synchronize my model with Invantive Control for Excel, the following error occurs:

the error message

This is the complete error message:

Type: System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException
   at System.RuntimeType.ForwardCallToInvokeMember(String memberName, BindingFlags flags, Object target, Int32[] aWrapperTypes, MessageData& msgData)
   at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range.Delete(Object Shift)
   at Invantive.Producer.Control.Utility.ResizeBlock(ModelCache modelCache, Workbook workbook, List`1 blocks, iea_blocks_v block, Cube currentCube, Cube desiredCube, Point3d startPoint, Int64 growLength) in File169:line 7968
   at Invantive.Producer.Control.Utility.AdjustBlockDimensionOneAxis(SystemWorkingContext context, ModelCache modelCache, Workbook workbook, iea_blocks_v currentBlock, Cube currentCube, Cube desiredCube, IEnumerable`1 anchoredBlocksResult, List`1 blocks, Point3d desiredStartPoint, Int64 growLength, iea_blocks_vBlk_repeat_rows_along adjustAxis, iea_blocks_vBlk_repeat_rows_direction adjustDirection) in File169:line 7293
   at Invantive.Producer.Control.Utility.AdjustBlockDimensions(SystemWorkingContext context, ModelCache modelCache, Workbook workbook, List`1 blocks, iea_blocks_v currentBlock, Cube currentCube, Cube desiredCube, Point3d desiredStartPoint) in File169:line 6617
   at Invantive.Producer.Control.SyncToDatabaseForm.SyncDownload(DoWorkEventArgs e) in File170:line 2173

What are the steps to solving this error?


The SQL statement on the block in Invantive Control is:

select division_hid
,      division_name
,      reportingyear_attr
,      years_balance_code_attr
,      years_balance_description
,      open
from   BalanceLines
where  years_balance_balancetype_attr = "B"
and    reportingyear_attr = $X{eol_year_to}

The $X{eol_year_to} is a referenced to a named range eol_year_to whose value is used in the query.

I have added to the Excel table two columns, one with a vertical search on GL account classification code and one on GL account classification description. After that addition, the model no longer synchronizes with Exact Online.


  • You can get the GL account classification code and description from Exact Online in one go also, please use something like the following to get a list of all GL transactions plus the classification code/description:

    select tln.division division_hid
    ,      sdn.description division_name
    ,      tln.financialyear finyear_number_attr
    ,      tln.financialperiod finperiod_number_attr
    ,      tln.glaccountcode glaccount_code_attr
    ,      tln.glaccountdescription glaccount_description
    ,      tln.journalcode gltransaction_journal_code_attr
    ,      tln.currency gltransaction_journal_currency_code_attr
    ,      tln.amountdc amount_value
    ,      tln.vatpercentage amount_vatpercentage
    ,      tln.description
    ,      tln.accountname account_name
    ,      sysdate nu
    ,      '=I_EOL_GL_ACTCLN_CODE(,$C{E,.,.,^+4,.})' glactclncode
    ,      '=I_EOL_GL_ACTCLN_DESCRIPTION(,$C{E,.,.,^+4,.})' glactclndescription
    from   transactionlines tln
    join   systemdivisions sdn
    on     sdn.code = tln.division
    where  tln.financialyear   >= $X{eol_year_from}
    and    tln.financialyear   <= $X{eol_year_to}
    and    tln.financialperiod >= $X{eol_month_from}
    and    tln.financialperiod <= $X{eol_month_to}
    by     tln.division
    ,      tln.financialyear
    ,      tln.glaccountcode 

    Classifications on Balance

    In your query, this would be:

    select division_hid
    ,      division_name
    ,      reportingyear_attr
    ,      years_balance_code_attr
    ,      years_balance_description
    ,      open
    ,      '=I_EOL_GL_ACTCLN_CODE(,$C{E,.,.,^+3,.})' glactclncode
    ,      '=I_EOL_GL_ACTCLN_DESCRIPTION(,$C{E,.,.,^+3,.})' glactclndescription
    from   BalanceLines
    where  years_balance_balancetype_attr = "B"
    and    reportingyear_attr = $X{eol_year_to}

    Column Expressions

    The process is now:

    These formulas take a unique division code (company) plus at least the GL account code. Since the GL account code varies per GL transaction, you want to refer to the contents of a specific column of your query. You can generate a hard-coded formula with the actual GL account code in it. But it is better to take the GL account code from another cell in Excel. The $C{...} syntax allows you during synchronization to replace it by a cell reference. Please consult the online manual and the model editor wizard.

    The $C{E,.,.,^+4,.} means:

    You may also add two more coordinates to the column expression for column 2 and row 2 to indicate a range of cells.