Is it possible to explicitly move a file through python's googleapiclient module? I want to create the following function, given a file, original path and destination path:
def move_file(service, filename, init_drive_path, drive_path, copy=False):
"""Moves a file in Google Drive from one location to another.
service: Drive API service instance.
filename (string): full name of file on drive
init_drive_path (string): initial file location on Drive
drive_path (string): the file path to move the file in on Drive
copy (boolean): file should be saved in both locations
Returns nothing.
Currently I have been executing this through manually downloading the file and then re-uploading it to the desired location, however this is not practical for big files and seems like a work-around method anyway.
Here's the documentation for the methods available on the google-drive-api.
EDIT See solution below:
Found it here. You just need to retrieve the file and folder ID and then use the update method. The remove_parents parameter can be excluded if you want to leave a copy of the file in the old folder(s)
file_id = '***'
folder_id = '***'
# Retrieve the existing parents to remove
file = drive_service.files().get(fileId=file_id, fields='parents').execute()
previous_parents = ",".join(file.get('parents'))
# Move the file to the new folder
file = drive_service.files().update(
fields='id, parents'
(Note I have not included my basic helper functions _getFileId and _getFolderId) So my original function will look something like:
def move_file(service, filename, init_drive_path, drive_path, copy=False):
"""Moves a file in Google Drive from one location to another.
service: Drive API service instance.
'filename' (string): file path on local machine, or a bytestream
to use as a file.
'init_drive_path' (string): the file path the file was initially in on Google
Drive (in <folder>/<folder>/<folder> format).
'drive_path' (string): the file path to move the file in on Google
Drive (in <folder>/<folder>/<folder> format).
'copy' (boolean): file should be saved in both locations
Returns nothing.
file_id = _getFileId(service, filename, init_drive_path)
folder_id = _getFolderId(service, drive_path)
if not file_id or not folder_id:
raise Exception('Did not find file specefied: {}/{}'.format(init_drive_path, filename))
file = service.files().get(fileId=file_id, fields='parents').execute()
if copy:
previous_parents = ''
previous_parents = ",".join(file.get('parents'))
file = service.files().update(
fields='id, parents'