
Getting the color object from

In my winforms application I have a ColorDialog control and when the user select a color, I save the Name of the color object. For a custom color value starts with FF ex: fffdfcc8 (This is a light yellow / cream color)

Some where later I want to get to the color object from the color name string, fffdfcc8 to a system.drawing.color object. How can I do this???

        Dim dlgColor As New ColorDialog()
        dlgColor.AllowFullOpen = True
        dlgColor.AnyColor = True
        If dlgColor.ShowDialog() = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
            DgView.CurrentCell.Text = dlgColor.Color.Name 
        End If     

How to create color object based on the name value in DgView.CurrentCell.Text

UPDATE2: Adding # in front of the custom name value and using the System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#" & color) does get the job done. Not sure what to do next since to me it was not that obvious...leave it up to the moderator to decide

UPDATE: This is not a duplicate since the name value is not a hex value.


  • Prefix # to the custom name and use it like this should work. As indicated in the comments and updates. Thanks to Phiter Fernandes for the help.

       Dim strColor = DgView.CurrentCell.Text
       System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#" & strColor)