
Preventing running total from going negative in Oracle

Column 'amount' has value 5 in first row, and value -10 in second row.

Is there a way to make oracle's sum(amount) over() function to return 0 instead of -5 for the second row?


  • Blatantly using Rajesh Chamarthi's example source: but altering to show more negative and positive... and showing how a case would change all the negative to zero while maintaining the other amounts...

    with t as (
      select 5 as x, 1 as id from dual
      union all
      select -10, 2 as id from dual
      union all
      select 7, 3 as id from dual
      union all
      select -5, 4 as id from dual
      union all
      select -2, 5 as id from dual
    B as (select  t.x, 
            case when sum(x) over (order by id) < 0 then 0 
                  else sum(x) over (order by id) 
            end Amount
     from t
     order by id)
     Select X, Case when amount < 0 then 0 else amount end as Amount from B;
      T   Amount
      5      5
    -10      0
      7      2
     -5      0
     -2      0

    ----Attempt 2 (1st attempt preserved as comments below reference it)

    I couldn't figure out how to interrupt the window function to reset the value to 0 when amount fell below 0... so I used a recursive CTE which gave me greater control.

    If id's are not sequential, we could add a row_Number so we have an ID to join on... or we could use min() where > oldID. I assumed we have a single key unique ID or some way of "Sorting" the records in the order you want the sum to occur...

    with aRaw as (
      select 5 as x, 15 as id from dual
      union all
      select -10, 20 as id from dual
      union all
      select 7, 32 as id from dual
      union all
      select 2, 46 as id from dual
      union all
      select -15, 55 as id from dual
      union all
      select 3, 68 as id from dual
    t as (Select A.*, Row_number() over (order by ID) rn from aRAW A),
    CTE(RN, ID, x, SumX) AS (
    Select T.RN, T.ID, x, X from t WHERE ID = (Select min(ID) from t)
    Select T.RN, T.ID, T.X, case when T.X+CTE.SumX < 0 then 0 else T.X+Cte.sumX end from T
     on  CTE.RN+1=T.RN)
    Select * from cte;


    1. CTE: ARaw is just a sample data set
    2. CTE: T adds a sequental row number incase there are gaps in the IDs allowing for a more simple joining approach on the recursive CTE.
    3. CTE: CTE is the recursive CTE that keeps a running total and has a case statement to reset the running total to 0 when it falls below 0