
How to parse JSON value of a text column in cassandra

I have a column of text type be contain JSON value.

    "customer": [
            "details": {
                "customer1": {
                    "name": "john",
                    "addresses": {
                        "address1": {
                            "line1": "xyz",
                            "line2": "pqr"
                        "address2": {
                            "line1": "abc",
                            "line2": "efg"
                "customer2": {
                    "name": "robin",
                    "addresses": {
                        "address1": null

How can I extract 'address1' JSON field of column with query?

First I am trying to fetch JSON value then I will go with parsing.

SELECT JSON customer from text_column;

With my query, I get following error.

com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.SyntaxError: line 1:12 no viable alternative at input 'customer' (SELECT [JSON] customer...)
com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.SyntaxError: line 1:12 no viable alternative at input 'customer' (SELECT [JSON] customer...)

Cassandra version 2.1.13


  • You can't use SELECT JSON in Cassandra v2.1.x CQL v3.2.x

    For Cassandra v2.1.x CQL v3.2.x :

    The only supported operation after SELECT are :

    In Cassandra v2.2.x CQL v3.3.x Introduce : SELECT JSON

    With SELECT statements, the new JSON keyword can be used to return each row as a single JSON encoded map. The remainder of the SELECT statment behavior is the same.

    The result map keys are the same as the column names in a normal result set. For example, a statement like “SELECT JSON a, ttl(b) FROM ...” would result in a map with keys "a" and "ttl(b)". However, this is one notable exception: for symmetry with INSERT JSON behavior, case-sensitive column names with upper-case letters will be surrounded with double quotes. For example, “SELECT JSON myColumn FROM ...” would result in a map key "\"myColumn\"" (note the escaped quotes).

    The map values will JSON-encoded representations (as described below) of the result set values.