I am setting up an Xcode Bot to automatically upload and distribute my beta app. I have setup a mac with macOS Server and Xcode activated and am able to build and export an IPA manually just fine. The Xcode Bot I created also archives and exports an IPA with no problem.
However, when I try to run the Crashlytics submit script in the Xcode Bot's post triggers, the uploading fails. But if I save the bot generated IPA and manually call the Crashlytics script via Terminal, it uploads just fine. It seems that only the Xcode Bot fails to submit to Crashlytics.
I have all the correct certificates installed on the server Keychain and everything works fine for manual archive/export both in Xcode and using the Xcode Bot's generated IPA.
Here is the log from Xcode Bot:
2016-11-22 17:15:53.942 submit Crashlytics: Crashlytics.framework/submit 1.3.5 (18)
2016-11-22 17:16:03.125 submit Crashlytics: Unable to package source due to error: Error Domain=CLSIPABuilderErrorDomain Code=-6 "(null)" UserInfo={UnderlyingError=Error Domain=CLSCodeSignerErrorDomain Code=-2 "(null)" UserInfo={arguments=(
"/var/folders/81/5t89fdcn3h3680gh99mgvl7934dkfg/T/com.crashlytics.ipas/E357A31C-B1A2-424B-8A5A-E7D499A92C73/Payload/Ebates Beta.app"
), environment={
"CODESIGN_ALLOCATE" = "/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/codesign_allocate";
}, status=1, stderr=ACFE8B8E177196BFF1974841752020FE96687508: no identity found
, command=/usr/bin/codesign, stdout=}, SourcePath=/var/folders/81/5t89fdcn3h3680gh99mgvl7934dkfg/T/com.crashlytics.ipas/E357A31C-B1A2-424B-8A5A-E7D499A92C73}
2016-11-22 17:16:03.187 submit Crashlytics: Failed to prepare the binary for release
Been pulling my hair out over this all day, hoping someone can shed some light on this problem.
Ok so turns out you need to run the app on a device directly from Xcode on the server machine so that Xcode will automatically generate all the appropriate XC iOS
provisioning profiles. Apparently the Crashlytics script will re-package the IPA and need valid provisioning profiles in order to do so. I think the Xcode Bot generates an IPA but it is not fully code signed until you save from the bot results, instead of just running from a bot post-trigger.
If you go to the developer.apple.com portal and look under Provisioning Profiles you should see something like this: