
how to change service options in controller in angularjs

I'm working on an ionic app, I have written an angularjs service for ionic confirm popup,


   app.factory("PopupSer", ["$rootScope", "$ionicPopup",
      function ($rootScope, $ionicPopup) {
         return {
            delete: function () {

               $rootScope.popup = $ionicPopup.confirm({
                  title: 'Delete Title', 
                  cssClass: '',
                  subTitle: '',
                  template: '',
                  templateUrl: '',
                  cancelText: 'No',
                  cancelType: '',
                  okText: 'Yes',
                  okType: 'button-balanced'
            }, // delete

            hide: function () {

         }; // return

Now, I want to change (for example) confirm title, cancelText or okText in my controller, something like this:


    title: 'Are You Sure About That?'

How can I do this when I call service in my controller?


  • Extend a "default options" object (doc):

    app.factory("PopupSer", ["$rootScope", "$ionicPopup",
      function ($rootScope, $ionicPopup) {
         return {
            delete: function (options) {
               var default_options = {
                  title: 'Delete Title', 
                  cssClass: '',
                  subTitle: '',
                  template: '',
                  templateUrl: '',
                  cancelText: 'No',
                  cancelType: '',
                  okText: 'Yes',
                  okType: 'button-balanced'
               $rootScope.popup = $ionicPopup.confirm(angular.extend(default_options, options));
            }, // delete
            hide: function () {
         }; // return