I have been searching for a while now on how to access user data from XBOX live.
Unfortunately, all I found was this which only allows 2 API calls per minute.
Is there an offcial XBOX API that I can access for user information ?
Hey as the owner and Developer of XboxAPI, I can tell you that the old v1 is discontinued. With regards to the latest version of the API (v2) this doesn't limit you to 2 requests per minute, its requests per hour depending on your subscription. Here are the hourly limits and costs per subscription.
XboxAPI runs off of an official API that powers the desktop and mobile applications. The reason that I created this API is because its not very user accessible.
If you wish to get the official API yourself, then you need to be a member of ID@Xbox and this is for Indi Game Developers only who are already established, and wish to launch on the Xbox console.