
Writing WAV file using Python, Numpy array and WAVE module

I am trying to implement the Karplus-Strong algorithm.

All is looking fine when I play (through Jupyter Notebook using Audio(y, rate=Fs)) the collected numpy array (representing guitar accord).

Unfortunately, writing the numpy array: y, into wav file using WAVE module is incorrect (using the next python code):

noise_output ='k-s.wav', 'w')
noise_output.setparams((1, 4, Fs, 0, 'NONE', 'not compressed'))

for i in range(0, len(y)):
     value = y[i]
     packed_value = struct.pack('f', value)


Each element of y is

<type 'numpy.float64'>

How should I amend the writing loop in order write the WAV file correctly?

Some more information about the issue. Before writing to WAV, the first elements of the y array are:

 [ 0.33659756  0.33659756 -0.43915295 -0.87036152  1.40708988  0.32123558
-0.6889402   1.9739982  -1.29587159 -0.12299964  2.18381762  0.82228042
 0.24593503 -1.28067426 -0.67568838 -0.01843234 -1.830472    1.2729578
-0.56575346  0.55410736]

After writing the elements to the WAV file, close the WAV file and read it again, I got this for the first 20 elements of the collected array:

[ 1051481732  1051481732 -1092560728 -1084305405  1068768133  1050966269
 -1087349149  1073523705 -1079648481 -1107564740  1074512811  1062371576
  1048303204 -1079775966 -1087571478 -1130954901 -1075163928  1067642952
 -1089415880  1057872379]


  • import"karplus.wav", Fs, y)

    Tada! AFAIK works with float64 and float32, and probably others. For stereo, shape must be (nb_samples, 2). See