
how to achieve true loose coupling using Prism and Unity

I have developed a WPF application using Prism and Unity frameworks and I have some concerns regarding the following whether I have implemented them correctly or not.


  • Abstract classes / Interfaces

    I'd go for exactly as many "interface-assemblies" as necessary, having too many of them hurts. Example: if you need to prevent layer 1 from potentially communicating with layer 3, put the layer 1-to-layer 2-interfaces in one assembly and those for layer 2-to-layer 3 in another one.

    View Model dependencies

    Normally, you shouldn't need to pass view models around at all. Pass around the data (a.k.a. model), the view models themselves don't hold any data that's either unavailable elsewhere or valuable to anyone but the view bound to the view model.

    Abstract Module Class

    Your prism application references prism... so what? As long as only the IModule implementations receive the IUnityContainer I wouldn't care at all. If someone needs to publish an event, he get's the IEventAggregator... That's an interface already, and you can inject a mock in your tests, so no need for further abstraction.