I am trying to do this tutorial
but I have got a problem with:
package is not find so I can resolve bndrun dependencies:
Unable to resolve <<INITIAL>> version=null:
missing requirement osgi.enroute.iot.pi.provider
and when I try with
dependencies not found:
Unable to resolve <<INITIAL>> version=null:
missing requirement enroute.iot.raspberry.application
-> Unable to resolve enroute.iot.raspberry.application version=
missing requirement com.pi4j.system]
I manually dowload and add pi4j in my project build path so I haven't no more eclipse problem but I fell that it is not a good solution for osgi and it not run on my remote raspberry ssh console...
Thanks to Daghan from the osgi mailing list who provide a solution:
"osgi.enroute.iot.pi.provider" is no longer a part of enroute distro. Please remove the manually downloaded pi4j from your project and do the following:
1- open cnf>central.xml
2- Add the following
<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.osgi/osgi.enroute.iot.pi.provider -->
This solve my problem but the include pi4j dependency isn't up to date for raspberry so I prefer add
and everything works like a charm now!