
How to Acces a Wrappedarray from Dataframe's Map

I have a Dataframe like this:

|myKeys|myMaps                                                                        |
|b     |Map(b -> WrappedArray([1,o], [4,xxx]), a -> WrappedArray([1,o], [1,n], [1,n]))|
|a     |Map(b -> WrappedArray([1,o], [4,n]), a -> WrappedArray([4,c], [1,n], [1,n]))  |
|a     |Map(b -> WrappedArray([4,o], [3,n]), a -> WrappedArray([4,o], [1,n], [1,n]))  |
|b     |Map(b -> WrappedArray([4,a], [3,n]), a -> WrappedArray([1,o], [1,n], [1,n]))  |

With this schema

 |-- myKeys: string (nullable = false)
 |-- myMaps: map (nullable = true)
 |    |-- key: string
 |    |-- value: array (valueContainsNull = true)
 |    |    |-- element: struct (containsNull = true)
 |    |    |    |-- _1: string (nullable = true)
 |    |    |    |-- _2: string (nullable = true)

Here is the code to create it:

val x = sc.parallelize(Seq(
      Array(("a", "1", "o"), ("a", "1", "n"), ("b", "1", "o"), ("a", "1", "n"), ("b", "4", "xxx")),
      Array(("a", "1", "o"), ("a", "1", "n"), ("b", "1", "o"), ("a", "1", "n"), ("b", "4", "n")),
      Array(("a", "1", "o"), ("a", "1", "n"), ("b", "4", "o"), ("a", "1", "n"), ("b", "3", "n")),
      Array(("a", "1", "o"), ("a", "1", "n"), ("b", "4", "o"), ("a", "1", "n"), ("b", "3", "n"))
    )).map(x => testSchema(x)).toDF("myArrays")

val y = x.withColumn("myKeys", lit("b"))

val getMap = udf((mouvements: mutable.WrappedArray[Row]) => {
  val test = mouvements.toArray
    .map(line => (line(0).toString, line(1).toString, line(2).toString))
    .map{case (k,values) => k -> => (x._2, x._3))}

val df_with_map =$"myKeys", getMap($"myArrays") as "myMaps")
df_with_map show false
df_with_map printSchema

Now, I would like to access the second element of my array which have the first element equals to 4 and the key of the map equals to b. I should have a result like this

|c  |
|o  |
|a  |

I already try this doing it with this udf:

val getMyValue = udf{(myKey: String, myMaps:  Map[String, WrappedArray[Row]]) =>

  val first_val= "4"
  val myArrays = myMaps.get(myKey)
  val res = myArrays.get.toArray.filter{x => x.getString(0) == first_val}

val df_value =$"myKey",$"myMaps") as "myValue")
df_value show false
df_value printSchema

But it return the error

java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Schema for type org.apache.spark.sql.Row is not supported

on the line:

 val getMyValue = udf{(myKey: String, myMaps:  Map[String, WrappedArray[Row]]) =>

Do you have any idea?


  • Use:

    val first_val = "4"
    val df = Seq(
      ("b", Map("b" -> Seq(("1", "o"), ("4", "xxx"))))
    ).toDF("myKeys", "myMaps")
     |-- myKeys: string (nullable = true)
     |-- myMaps: map (nullable = true)
     |    |-- key: string
     |    |-- value: array (valueContainsNull = true)
     |    |    |-- element: struct (containsNull = true)
     |    |    |    |-- _1: string (nullable = true)
     |    |    |    |-- _2: string (nullable = true)$"myMaps".getItem("b"))
      .as[Seq[(String, String)]]
      .flatMap(xs => xs.filter(_._1 == first_val).map(_._2))

    Edit:[(String, Map[String,Seq[(String, String)]])].flatMap {
      case (key, map) => 
        map.getOrElse(key, Seq[(String, String)]()).filter(_._1 == first_val).map(_._2)