
multiple Constructors and if Statement

I want to, within my abstract class, define two constructors.

When create a new instance of the class, i want the toString to return something different depending on what was called:

The FireEngine Class

public class FireEngine extends EmergencyVehicle {  

    private String colour;

    public FireEngine(String colour) {
        super (colour);

    public FireEngine() {


    public String toString () {
        if (colour == "red") {
            return "red";
    }   else
        return "no";

The EmergencyVehicle class:

public abstract class  EmergencyVehicle extends RoadVehicle {

    public boolean codeBlue = false;

    public EmergencyVehicle(String colour){

    public boolean isEmergency () {
        if (codeBlue == true) {
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;

    public void setEmergency(boolean newEmergency) {
        codeBlue = newEmergency;


This is a homework exercise so I don't want the answer per se, but does the above code make sense?

For example, if I add a new EmergencyVehicle, I want an if statement depending on what colour the vehicle I add is.


  • 1st Remark

    Don't call


    in the default constructor, do

    colour = "red";

    unless the EmergencyVehicle(String colour) RoadVehicle(String colour) constructor is doing something else.

    2nd Remark

    Don't compare using

    if (colour == "red")


    if ("red".equals(colour))

    3rd Remark

    The method

    public String toString()

    is supposed to return a string representation of the instance. You implementation only returns red or no which is not very informative. Use something like

    return("FireEngine(colour=" + colour + ")");