
Configuring Google Apps MX Records VestaCP

Need help configuring Google Apps Gmail MX Records in VestaCP on my VPS.

I want to know which values to put where. Google give just 2 values, 'Priority' and 'Points to'.

enter image description here

I tried some combinations but VestaCP says values are wrong. Below is the VestaCP Screen to create MX Records.

enter image description here

Please help me with the values.


  • Please try below based on this

    Records: *
    Type: MX
    Priority: 1

    If records * not works, please try * instead.

    And according to this, please make sure your domain is matching a correct A record.

    MX entries must point to a domain, and never point directly to an IP address. If no MX record exists on a domain to which an SMTP server attempts to deliver mail, the server will attempt to deliver the mail to the matching A record

    According to GSuite document, please make sure you have cleaned all previous MX records. And also, the setting will not be valid immediately.