
CGDataProviderCreateWithCFData function not recognized in Xcode IOS

I am looking at a camera tutorial for IOS and the CGDataProviderCreateWithCFData function was used. However Xcode doesn't seem to recognize it. Was this function removed from the latest Xcode Swift update? I am using Xcode version 8.1 and Swift 3. Also I have the following imports:

import UIKit
import AVFoundation


  • Have you tried searching "CGDataProviderCreateWithCFData" in the Apple's API reference page?

    When I tried, I was guided to the Objective-C page, and its Swift link shows:



    Creates a data provider that reads from a CFData object.

    In Swift 3, CGDataProviderCreateWithCFData is imported as an initializer of CGDataProvider and use it as:

    let dataProvider = CGDataProvider(data: imageData as CFData)

    (Assuming imageData as a Data.)

    You can use it with import UIKit.