
How to debug / analyze BSOD dump in Visual Studio?

I had BSOD and it created DMP file in C:\Windows\Minidump. Then I opened this file with Visual Studion with File -> Open -> Crash Dump. It opens something, but nothing reasonable can be seen.

Is this correct way to start analyzing crash dumps?

What should I see in VS for it?

Can I see call stack for example?

The following appears in Debugger Immediate Window:

enter image description here

The similar appears with WinDbg:

enter image description here

No any keys or commands can be entered anywhere.


  • Analyze the dmps in Windbg. Get WinDbg via the Windows 10 SDK. During Setup select the Debugging Tools for Windows.

    Now run Windbg.exe, load the dmp, fix your debug symbol path and run !analyze -v to start the automatic debugging. Look in MSDN documentation what the STOP code means and the other commands that you can use to debug the issue deeper.