I'm learning how to develop Kde Plasma 5 plasmoids, and testing it with a small widget, consistent of just two qmls. I read some information sources, like https://techbase.kde.org or https://api.kde.org/frameworks/ and created a package structure and sources for my test plasmoid, which looks like this:
$ ls -lR test
total 8
drwxr-xr-x 3 alberto alberto 4096 nov 26 14:28 contents
-rw-r--r-- 1 alberto alberto 459 nov 26 14:28 metadata.desktop
total 4
drwxr-xr-x 2 alberto alberto 4096 nov 26 14:33 ui
total 8
-rw-r--r-- 1 alberto alberto 275 nov 26 14:28 main.qml
-rw-r--r-- 1 alberto alberto 465 nov 26 14:33 RootContainer.qml
The RootContainer is just the fullRepresentation of the widget, and contains only a label with the text "prueba1". So, as i read in the documentation, i used the command plasmapkg2 to install the widget as follows:
$ plasmapkg2 --install test
pluginname: "org.matrixland.test"
Generated "/home/xxx/.local/share/plasma/plasmoids//kpluginindex.json" ( 3 plugins)
/home/xxx/Programación/proyectos/plasmoides/test instalado con éxito
Then, i can use it in the kde desktop and everything is fine. It is shown in the desktop, with the text label.
But now, if i change the text of the label, "prueba2", and i remove and reinstall the plugin as follows
$ plasmapkg2 --remove test
Constructing a KPluginInfo object from old style JSON. Please use kcoreaddons_desktop_to_json() for "" instead of kservice_desktop_to_json() in your CMake code.
Calling KPluginInfo::property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name") is deprecated, use KPluginInfo::pluginName() in "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/plasma/packagestructure/plasma_packagestructure_share.so" instead.
Constructing a KPluginInfo object from old style JSON. Please use kcoreaddons_desktop_to_json() for "" instead of kservice_desktop_to_json() in your CMake code.
Calling KPluginInfo::property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name") is deprecated, use KPluginInfo::pluginName() in "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/plasma/packagestructure/plasma_packagestructure_share.so" instead.
Generated "/home/xxx/.local/share/plasma/plasmoids//kpluginindex.json" ( 2 plugins)
/home/xxx/Programación/proyectos/plasmoides/test desinstalado con éxito
>xxx@eleanor:~/Programación/proyectos/plasmoides$ plasmapkg2 --install test
pluginname: "org.matrixland.test"
Generated "/home/alberto/.local/share/plasma/plasmoids//kpluginindex.json" ( 3 plugins)
/home/alberto/Programación/proyectos/plasmoides/test instalado con éxito
If now, i add it again to the desktop, i see the old text instead of the new one. I checked in the /home/xxx/.local/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.matrixland.test directory that the source is up to date and refreshed, so i can't guess why am i obtaining the old text instead of the new one.
Obviously my problem is that none of the changes i make in the qml is reflected in the widget, not only text changes. I don't know if i am doing something wrong, or if i must do anything else to update the widget. Can anybody help me with that?
This is because the old QML is "cached" still. You'll need to restart plasmashell in order to see the changes.
killall plasmashell; kstart5 plasmashell
I used this script to reinstall applets when I want to test live. When I want to test quickly though, I'll use plasmoidviewer
plasmoidviewer -a package -l bottomedge -f horizontal
like in this script.