
Join strings in a block

I have a block that updates the view for each String. In its object class I pass it by:

func eachFeaturesSection(block: ((String?) -> Void)?) {
propertyFeatures.forEach { feature in
  guard let feature = feature as? RealmString else {
  let features = feature.stringValue

and I will get it in ViewController, by:

listing!.eachFeaturesSection({ (features) in
  self.facilities = features!

So it will print as:

Optional("String 1")
Optional("String 2")

and self.facilities will be set to latest value which is self.facilities = "String 2"

cell.features.text = features // it will print String 2

So, how can I achieve to join all strings together in one string such as self.facilities = "String 1, String 2". I used .jointString does not work. Thank you for any help.


  • Maybe you could add them to an array of String elements and then, when done, call joined on that array.

    So something like this in your ViewController:

    var featuresArray = [String]()
    listing!.eachFeaturesSectionT({ (features) in
    //Swift 3 syntax
    cell.features.text = featuresArray.joined(separator: ", ")
    //Swift 2 syntax
    cell.features.text = featuresArray.joinWithSeparator(", ")

    Hope that helps you.