I have a Bosh Directory connected to UAA. What I want to do is restrict the access to the Director for teams that should have access only to their releases. Therefore I want to use the Teams in UAA.
Now I have the following problem with UAA and BOSH, following this documentation https://bosh.io/docs/director-users-uaa-perms.html#team-admin:
I created a group bosh.teams.jenkins.admin
with uaac group add bosh.teams.jenkins.admin
I created a user jenkinsadmin
with uaac user add jenkinsadmin --emails mail@test.com
I added the user to the group with uaac member add bosh.teams.jenkins.admin jenkinsadmin
Additionally I added
scope: openid,bosh.admin,bosh.read,bosh.*.admin,bosh.*.read,bosh.teams.*.admin
into the manifest of the BOSH director.
When I now try to upload a bosh release with bosh upload release
I get the following error message:
Error 600000: Require one of the scopes: bosh.admin, bosh.0c5b93a8-46a5-4cb2-81be-b17f97afaf0f.admin
I checked the settings of my user with uaac user get jenkinsadmin
and see the following output:
value: d6788c74-9d24-4df0-9215-1413ad8c7fed
display: cloud_controller_service_permissions.read
type: DIRECT
value: 0298444a-d9e3-456a-a27b-4fc66d5e41df
display: openid
type: DIRECT
value: 763ae5cc-7d9e-411f-9e08-54850ff9fe44
display: password.write
type: DIRECT
value: a349c0b8-f543-4409-8441-c8a6acdea488
display: notification_preferences.read
type: DIRECT
value: 7bde9588-8d6e-4c51-81f8-c5a4cf71fdd7
display: cloud_controller.read
type: DIRECT
value: ad49d3a5-232f-45fa-917d-f74326674857
display: uaa.user
type: DIRECT
value: 013ed852-59ad-4c88-9c3d-5e397f82f18b
display: scim.me
type: DIRECT
value: 83e5c21e-74c2-412e-a1e9-9a206841b0dc
display: bosh.teams.jenkins.admin
type: DIRECT
value: 09a37162-a999-416b-b1fd-923378aba7d8
display: notification_preferences.write
type: DIRECT
value: 2cd48b42-a0dc-4f60-9ac6-67cf40023726
display: approvals.me
type: DIRECT
value: ad596184-4de8-4b43-8779-1292af4ebe04
display: oauth.approvals
type: DIRECT
value: 3c0df91d-4f70-4320-aa34-01a9651272ee
display: cloud_controller.write
type: DIRECT
active: true
verified: false
origin: uaa
schemas: urn:scim:schemas:core:1.0
username: jenkinsadmin
zoneid: uaa
So my question is, what do I have to do, to enable the UAA user jenkinsadmin
to upload a release?
BOSH team admins can't upload releases to the director.
See http://bosh.io/docs/director-users-uaa-perms.html#team-admin for the range of permissions this team admins have.
You will need to use a regular admin user for uploading releases.